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Dreamcatcher begins the year with an european tour!

Maéva Guibert

For Dreamcatcher, the year 2024 is already shaping up to be epic with the announcement of its highly anticipated world tour, titled "Luck Inside 7 Doors".

Groupe sud coréen Dreamcatcher

This international tour will kick off in Seoul on January 13, 2024, a carefully chosen date that coincides with the group's seventh anniversary.

Following the kick-off in Seoul, Dreamcatcher will hit the road to Europe with five scheduled dates. To the delight of French Insomnias, one of these dates is set for Paris on February 25 at the Zénith de Paris - La Villette. It's a new opportunity for French fans to experience the unique thrill of seeing Dreamcatcher live on stage.

This visit to Paris won't be the first for the group, as they already captivated the French audience in 2022 in the same venue. Karaome had the chance to attend that concert, so don't hesitate to immerse yourself in nostalgia with the LIVE REPORT and photo album

Moreover, they delivered a memorable performance during MCOUNTDOWN in October 2023 in Paris, leaving a lasting impression on the hearts of French fans. The "Luck Inside 7 Doors" World Tour promises to be a landmark event for European Insomnias, with Dreamcatcher ready to provide unforgettable performances to celebrate their 7th anniversary.

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